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Anatolii Tsirkunenko

(26 years)
Munich, Germany


I am passionate about creating innovative projects and solutions in the Embedded Software Development domain (5+ years), as well as Web Development (3+ years), and using my leadership abilities to drive my team to success. With my diverse skill set and experience, I am confident in my ability to develop and lead complex software systems that can contribute to the advancement of the industry.


Programming C, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Assembly Language, Software Architecture, SOLID Design Principles, Clean Code

Embedded CAN, CANOpen, UART, SPI, I2C, EtherCAT, Wi-Fi, TCP/UDP, RS485, RTOS, ISO26262, BMS, IoT

Web React, NextJS, Django (REST), Docker, Nginx, MongoDB, SQL, Web of Things (WoT), NodeJS, Websockets, HTML/CSS, SASS

Development Tools Eclipse, VSCode, IntelliJ, Enterprise Architect, CANalyzer, PCAN-Explorer, CANopen Explorer, WinIDEA, Ozone, MATLAB/Simulink

Languages English - C1, German - B2, Russian - Native

Work Experience

Cellular Software Engineer

Munich, Germany

11 days

LTE/NR Software Development (C)

Embedded Software Developer BMS

Garching, Germany

3 years and 9 months

  • SW and Architecture development for BMS and internal projects (C / S32KX / RTOS / SPI / I2C / CAN / UART / Enterprise Architect)
  • Scripts for work optimization (Python)
  • Leading the team of 5 people (Codebeamer / V-Model)

Firmware Developer

Munich, Germany

3 years

SW and Architecture Development for the levitation controller and BMS (C / Infineon XMC4800 / STM32 Nucleo-144 / EtherCAT / SPI / UART / RTOS).

Master Thesis

Munich, Germany

6 months

Topic:Development and Evaluation of a Web of Things Simulation Framework
I have done a research on simulating various IoT devices (Things) and proposed my own approach on simulating Things in the simulation environment (OpenFOAM) in (near) "real-time". (Python / TypeScript / NodeJS / Flask RESTful / Docker / IoT)

Research Internship

Munich, Germany

3 months

Topic:Run-Time Service Migration in Incrementally Granular Industrial Web of Things Systems

I worked with Fischertechnik toy factory where I had to write software with several abstraction layers. I have researched the possibility of migrating the abstraction layers to other devices (edges) or PCs at run-time, which was successfully implemented. (TypeScript / NodeJS / WoT / IoT)

Electronic Design Engineer

Chelyabinsk, Russia

7 months

  • Software development for pellet boiler control systems (C++ / Assembly)
  • Electric Circuit Design and assembly of pellet boiler control systems


Personal Website

8 months

A personal website primarily for displaying, customizing and generating PDFs of my own Curriculum Vitae (CV). (TypeScript / NextJS / SASS / MongoDB / Nginx / Docker)

Cafe Website

1 year and 7 months

A cafe website developed using Django Framework. Features are continuously integrated according to the client needs

Telegram Website Chat

1 month

A flexible software for forwarding messages between a website chat and a telegram bot. (Python / Websockets / MongoDB / Redis / Docker / Nginx)

8 days

I have upgraded the previous HVAC system to provide a web control. The display and encoder were removed, the microcontroller was replaced with Raspberry Pi Zero. A simple interface based on React was created for a simple UI. A middleware Flask Server was created according to the customer needs. (Python / TypeScript / React / IoT / Raspberry Pi Zero)


1 month

I have developed hardware and software for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system for a cafe. The controller had a display and an encoder for user interface, temperature sensors and valves for observing and controlling the HVAC. (C / ATmega328P / PCB Design / Bluetooth)

Car Bluetooth RGB

4 months

I have developed hardware and software for RGB LED control via Bluetooth. The system was successfully integrated into the car and was controllable via phone. (C / ATmega328P / PCB Design / Bluetooth)

Smart Window Opener

2 days

I participated in the local Hackathon with my friends where I developed the hardware and software for controlling the stepper motor via Bluetooth. (C / ATmega328P / Bluetooth)


M.Sc. in Power Engineering

2 years and 6 months

Topic:Development and Evaluation of Web of Things Simulation Framework
  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Energy Storage Systems (ESS), including BMS
  • Cyber-Physical Systems (State Machines / Automatas)
  • Internet of Things (IoT) where I learned new standards like Web of Things (WoT) and a WoT Scripting API for it

Qualification in Python Dev.

1 year and 9 months

Topic:Head Hunter Webiste

My final project for a head hunting website (GitHub Link).

Keywords: Python / Django / Django REST + React / MySQL / MongoDB / VueJS / PyQT

B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering

3 years and 10 months

Chelyabinsk, Russia
Topic:Design of an Electric Drive for the Movement of an Overhead Crane Trolley
  • Electronics
  • Electric Drives
  • Low-Level Programming (C / Assembly Language)


WoT-Phyng-Sim: Integrating Physics Simulations with IoT Digital Twins using the Web of Things


5G Network Fundamentals

, Credentials

4G Network Fundamentals

, Credentials

Real-Time Embedded Systems Theory and Analysis


, Credentials

Methods of Collecting and Processing Data from the Internet

, Credentials

Architectural and Design Patterns in Python

, Credentials

Python. PyQT

, Credentials

Django REST Framework

, Credentials

Client-Server Applications in Python

, Credentials

JavaScript. Advanced Level

, Credentials

Django Framework. Tools for Optimization

, Credentials

Basics of Django Framework

, Credentials

Fundamentals of Relational Databases. MySQL

, Credentials

Computer Networks

, Credentials


Language Learning
Tinkering Devices
Photography (Past Professional)
Table Tennis